Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Neolithic revolution was powered by dung

We are completely dependent on fossil fuels for food. Perhaps 50% or more of mined fuels are used for food production (petro-fertilizers, irrigation, storage and distribution). The rest goes towards making durable goods, transport, heating cooling etc. Without fossil fuels we would simply be dead.

So who/what are the precursors of OPEC, Monsanto, Cargill, Schlumberger, Hallyburton etc ... basically big entities that provide food and energy security ?

What enabled the first population explosions that still continue today? The link below shows evidence of nitrates from animal dung at early farming sites.

first farmers used manure

  • Goat and sheep are the first domesticated hoofed animals
  • They can't survive on flat land, since they cant run like antelope and deer
  • They are adapted to evade predators in mountains
  • The first people who hunted and domesticated them were mountain people
  • The domestication center appear to be the mountains south and south west of the caspian
There are a network of ranges radiating from this general vicinity, through the Levant, Caucasus, Anatolia, Balkans, Baluchistan and Turkmenistan
  • They either formed symbiotic relationships with the first farmers or became first farmers

  • Sedentary agriculture would not be competitive without animal dung.
  • Most early farming and proto-urban sites are near mountain or hill ranges.

  • Numerous myths from Sumer(Enkidu), India(Rishyasingha, Pashupati), Europe(Cornucopia, Unicorn &virgin) that attest to memories of the special status accorded to wild men who tended animals. They seemed to have been welcomed with more than open arms.